Moving home is no easy feat – there is so much to consider. Hiring trucks, labelling boxes, trying to plan what to move and when not to mention the deep clean! On top of all of that, there is never-ending clutter that you need to dispose of or donate.
How can using self-storage work for you when you’re faced with everything you own and things you forgot you even had?
Many people find themselves in a transition between moving out of one home and into another. When this happens, you’ll often stay in a hotel or with family or friends. And while they will be happy to help, there is only a certain amount of space they have to spare.
Putting your belongings into storage can help during this transitional period.
Preparing the house for viewing is essential for those selling one home and moving into another. Taking out as much as possible is to your benefit to get the best price and show the house in the best light. When there is a ‘black canvas’, potential buyers can imagine what the house will look like with their things in it. Not only that, but the space will look bigger too.
And choosing a self-storage closer to your new home will make transferring things more manageable when the time comes.
Do you have a hard time saying goodbye to things? If you only put the essentials in the self-storage, you will be left with things you can sell, donate or take to the dump. When faced with deciding what you should keep and get rid of, taking the essentials out of the equation helps make the decision easy.
Not every move will happen between the hours of 9-5 because not everyone has that working schedule.
Self-storage offers people who are moving house access 24/7, which means that if you have either accidentally packed something you need away or need to load a van up at 4 am, it is all possible. The flexibility that self-storage offers people who need some wiggle room is invaluable.
Let’s say that you are due to get the keys to your new home mid-afternoon, and it is a few cities over; in the meantime, you need to leave your belongings either loaded in a van outside (or parked nearby) or in a friend’s garage somewhere.
The chances are never zero that an opportunist won’t try to take advantage of the situation and steal things. A self-storage unit will have the security you need to protect your property until you can pick it up.
Rolling Contract
There are several types of self-storage unit contracts, typically short or long. But you might find yourself in a position where you are unsure how long you will need. You can chat with the company and arrange a rolling contract so that you aren’t locked in – and you can clear out your unit when possible.
Self-storage units are the perfect way to ensure your house move is easy and stress-free.