TIP #1
Use only professional packaging materials that won’t bend, buckle or disintegrate.
Good quality boxes and covers will protect your items from dust and damp, keeping them in good condition during storage. If you need anything from cardboard boxes to marker pens and more, take a look at our online packaging material store.
TIP #2
Make an inventory of all the items that you’re packing into each box and into your unit
Once you’ve got the right materials, it’s time to start packing! Grab a marking pen and a clipboard or laptop because you’re going to want to label your boxes and make an inventory of your stored items. This way, you can easily locate stored items when you need them.

TIP #3
Pack Your Fragile Items Properly So They Don’t Get Damaged.
When packing fragile items for storage, start by placing a layer of crumpled packing paper on the base of the carton. Pack heavier items near the bottom of the carton and place lighter items on top. Wrap each item in packing paper and finish with a crumpled layer on top.
TIP #4